Welcome to Akurian Documents

Here you will find information written by, or gathered/obtained by, Akurians, their affiliates and/or collaborators.

Who are the Akurians?

The only Holy Order of which The Most High [ALIHA ASUR HIGH], Himself, will Testify of their truth, integrity, honor, accuracy and Holy Appointment of the true Spiritual Tribe of Abraham, although anyone can be an Akurian regardless of race. Compare that to the fact The Most High will only testify of the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament and Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation of the Holy Bible, for a total of nine out of sixty-six and none of the rest! If the Testimony of The Most High, Himself,isn't sufficient, then whose Testimony would be? If that Great Testimony of The Most High is available to all individuals - and it is - there is righteousness for all mankind and the whole world. Each and every Proven Knower (PK) of the Great Testimony receives the Seal of God in their foreheads (Revelation 9:4) and as they grow into becoming a True and Righteous Akurian, they are given complete access to all the Mysteries of All Creation.

How can you become a Proven Knower?

A full how-to-do-it and prove The Great Testimony is contained in "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" (AED) Chapter 42 and FREE online - as is the entire book.