Word Documents
Sunday Training 2010/Oct/24 - The Nefilim Wars 2 (doc)
Soros Organizations Hit List (doc)
Sunday 10/11/21 - Soros and Company Hell Balls 5 (doc)
Sunday Training - Curses - 2010/Dec/12 (doc)
Sunday Training - Binding and Loosening (doc)
Neutrinos - Time Warp Manifestations 2011/Jun/05 (doc)
Sunday Training - Creation and Destruction of Energy and Matter (doc)
Sunday Training - Creation and Destruction of Energy and Matter 3 (doc)
Sunday Training 2011/Jul/03 - Destruction of Energy, Energy vs Force (doc)
Sunday Training 2011/Jul/09 - Judgments (doc)
Audience of the Full Moon - 2011/Jul/15 (doc)
Seven Swords Against Lying Media (doc)
Sunday Training - Metaphysics Basics (doc)
Clearing the Mind - 2011/Oct/26 (doc)
Socialist Exterminations - 2012/Mar/11 (doc)
Socialist Exterminations - 2012/Mar/18 (doc)
Clairvoyance - 2012/Mar/25 (doc)
Discernment - Spirits and Everything (doc)
Political Necessities - 2012/May/06 (doc)
Sun Links and Rain Kinks (doc)
Sunday Training - OWG Patterns of Deception (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the First (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Second (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Third (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Fifth (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Sixth (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Seventh (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Eighth (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Ninth (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Tenth (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Eleventh (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Twelfth (1) (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Twelfth (2) (doc)
Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades: Powers of Hell, Part the Fourteenth (2012/Oct/07) (doc)
09 - 01 16 - Order of Angels (doc)
2010/May/14 - Audience (1) (doc)
2010/May/14 - Audience (2) (doc)
2011/Jul/23 - Saturday Recap and Rehearsal (doc)
2012/Oct/14 - Refresher: Flick Energies, Belly Balls, Bodies of Light (doc)
2012/Oct/21 - Refresher: Flick Energies, Belly Balls, Bodies of Light (doc)
2012/Nov/01 - Electricity (doc)
2012/Dec/05 - Moon Powers: How to use them, Part the First (2) (doc)
2013/Jan/13 - Sun-Energized Moon-Goons (Expanded) (doc)
13/02/03 - Sunday Training - Past Life Recall (doc)
2013/Apr/09 - Audience of the New Moon (doc)
2013/Sep/26 - Controlling Golemi (doc)
2014/Nov/04 - Consciousness of Consciousness (3) (doc)
2014/Nov/23 - Sunday Training - The Sun! (doc)
2015/Jan/18 - Sunday Training - Time, Matter, Time Lords and Fallacies (doc)
2015/Mar/15 - Sunday Training - Time Lord (doc)
2010 Akurian Directive (1) (doc)
Sunday Training - Energy and Voter Fury (doc)
AED (No Columns) (2008/Jun/24) (doc)
AED (Word Document) (08/02/97) (doc)
Ancient Promise - Present Delivery (doc)
Audience at Ohnshala - 2012/Jun/04 (doc)
Audience of the New Moon - 2009/Dec/16 (doc)
Akurian Neophyte Information for Neophytes (doc)
Akurian Neophyte Information for Neophytes 2017 (doc)
Akurian Neophyte Information for Seniors (doc)
Akurian Neophyte Information for Seniors 2017 (doc)
Akurian Training - Akurian Money - 2012/Jan/29 (doc)
Audience - Fight With The Nefilim (doc)
Audience of the New Moon - 2018/Sep/09 (doc)
Audience of the New Moon - 2009/Oct/18 (doc)
Audience of the New Moon - 2009/Oct/18 (1) (doc)
Audience of the New Moon - 2009/Aug/20 (doc)
Beelzebub, Part I (Final) (doc)
Blank Invocation for Black Fire into Hell Targeting (doc)
Book of the Secrets of Enoch (Akurian Edit) (doc)
Briefings Numbered (Edit 2) (doc)
Circle of Fire - 2009/Oct/08 (doc)
Curse upon Levi and Judah (Book, color) - 2007/Jun/18 (doc)
Curse upon Levi and Judah (Pamphlet 1) - 2007/Mar/01 (doc)
Curse upon Levi and Judah (Pamphlet Cover) - 2007/Mar/01 (doc)
Curse upon Levi and Judah (Book Cover 1) - 2007/Jun/18 (doc)
Curse upon Levi and Judah (Book Cover 2) - 2007/Jun/18 (doc)
Curse upon Levi and Judah - 2007/Mar/01 (doc)
Curse upon Levi and Judah - 2007/Jun/27 (doc)
Curse upon Levi and Judah Pamphlet - 2007/Mar/01 (doc)
Discernment and Powers of the Depths of Hell (doc)
Democrat Invocation, 2nd UPDATE (1) (doc)
Democrat Invocation, 3rd UPDATE (6) (doc)
Heads Up - New Years 2012 (doc)
Hell Blast - 2010/Jan/31, Final Report (doc)
Holy and Righteous Decree (doc)
Hr 3962 - Prophecy Fulfilled (doc)
Invocation of Testimony Targets (doc)
Invocation Paranoia, Hostility, Anger, Hate and Animosity (doc)
Invocation by Virtue (Final) (doc)
Invocation of Angels - Short (doc)
Myths, Delusions, Disciplines (doc)
Nefilim and other Bastards (odt)
NR 2009/Jan/16 - Order of Angels (doc)
NR 2009/Sep/24 - Invocation of the Sun (BB) (doc)
NR 2009/Sep/24 - Invocation of the Sun (doc)
NR 2009/Oct/15 - Invocation of the Moon (doc)
NR 2009/Oct/18 - Invocation of Arch Angels (doc)
NR 2009/Oct/19 - Invocation of the Air (doc)
NR 2009/Oct/21 - Invocations of Power (doc)
NR 2010/Jan/31 - Perspective (doc)
NR 2010/Dec/28 - Horus before Anu (doc)
Nefilim Audience - 2010/Sep/24 (doc)
Proven Knower 2008/May/27 - Photo of Hell 08/08/05 (doc)
Proven Knower 2008/Aug/06 - God - Fact or Fiction (doc)
Proven Knower 2008/Aug/09 - Prophecy - Fact or Fiction - Ezekiel (doc)
Proven Knower 2008/Aug/11 - Prophecy - Fact or Fiction - Hosea-Amos (doc)
Proven Knower 2008/Aug/17 - Messiah? Believe Them Not! - Fact or Fiction (doc)
Proven Knower 2008/Aug/21 - Temple of the Sages Destroyed! (doc)
President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama (doc)
Refresher - Who Are The Akurians? (doc)
Rehearsals - Elements, Blue Swords, Planes and Depths (2012/Jun/17) (doc)
Republican Party Shambles (doc)
Righteous Decree Pamphlet 1 (doc)
Righteous Decree Pamphlet 2 (doc)
Righteous Decree Pamphlet 01/JUN/06 (doc)
Righteous Decree Pamplet Cover New 2007/Jun/01 (doc)
STS - 2010/Oct/10 - The Nefilim Wars 1 (doc)
Sun Link - Body of Light (doc)
Sunday Training 2010/Dec/18 - Curses Instruction and Housekeeping 2 (doc)
Sunday Training 2010/Sep/12 - Commentary and Invocation (doc)
Text file Gospel of Judas (doc)
The Book of Enoch - Ethiopian (Akurian Edit 1) (doc)
The Curse upon the Traitors (doc)
The Handwriting on the Paper (doc)
Thus Saith The Most High's - Stand Alone for FB (doc)
Tighter as a Team (Final) (doc)
What would I have of you (doc)
2019/Jun/23 - Ancient Knowledge with a Sword (doc)
2019/Sep/26 - Consciousness Of Consciousness (revised 2019/Jun/13) (doc)